Frequently asked questions.
What is Cuddle Therapy?
Cuddle Therapy is simply using touch and cuddling as modalities to help people who are touch- or affection-deprived; people who are lonely or depressed; people who have experienced trauma, or have PTSD; people who are grieving; and much more. It can be a treatment, like a massage, where one comes to simply get one’s affection and touch needs met. It can also be like a therapeutic session, where the Cuddler holds space for emotions as well as physical space. Cuddle therapy can include lots of touch, or very little. It’s up to you.
I’ve never done this before. What’s the right way to cuddle?
There are almost 80 ways to cuddle, so it’s different for every session. People are unique and have their own preferences. Some like to talk, some don’t. Some like a lot of physical contact, some like a little. Sometimes you might feel lively and playful, other times you might feel quiet and introspective. There are a lot of right ways to cuddle! Half of the fun is in discovering what is right for YOU. Have fun!
What happens in a session?
Once you’ve changed and gotten settled, we’ll chat for a few minutes to get to know one another, and then I’ll guide you through some breathing and relaxation activities to get you started. You will have a chance to ask any questions you might have. Our session could include eye-contact, hugging, sharing conversation or quiet, hand-holding, caressing, spooning and lots of other activities. There are almost 80 different cuddling positions, so there’s something for everyone. Our session can be at my place, or your place, or in a public place. It could be a walk in the park holding hands, or cuddling in the movie theaterYou can come with your ideas and requests. What I offer you is a safe space to feel loved, understood, and appreciated.
I’m afraid I might cry. Is that ok?
Yes, absolutely! Please allow yourself to – it can feel amazing to cry while you’re being held.
Can I talk during a session?
Yes! How much you talk and what you talk about is entirely up to you.
Can I fall asleep?
Yes, of course. If sleeping is something you enjoy as part of your cuddle therapy, then go right ahead.
What if I feel uncomfortable or want to stop?
If you become uncomfortable in any way at any time, please say so. Stop whatever is causing discomfort and adjust accordingly. Please do not wait until your discomfort is large, do this at the first hint of it. This is your session and none of it needs to feel any less than great! If you would like to end your session early for any reason simply say so.
What if I get an erection?
Arousal is a natural and healthy human response to all kinds of things including touch and should not make you feel embarrassed. I certainly will not shame you for that. We will acknowledge it, or celebrate being a healthy human, and let go of it. However, you can ask to switch positions or take a break if you feel awkward about it.
Are we clothed or naked in a session?
Our session will be platonic and non-sexual, so both of us will be clothed and remain so for the session.
Is it really just cuddling?
Yes, it’s really just cuddling, completely platonic. It’s non-sexual, non-romantic and non-erotic. People have used the words nurturing, caring, peaceful, calming and comforting to describe our cuddle sessions.