My Covid Cuddle Buddy
During the Covid pandemic, I lived alone and hadn't seen anyone in months. As the pandemic dragged on, I began to feel more and more isolated. I missed human touch and interaction. I had my groceries delivered and didn't venture out, except for a walk around the block. I began to crave meaningful human contact.
Touch Is Powerful. How To Get More Of It In Your Life.
We may not always feel like we need that kind of attention in our lives, but the truth is that we all do. And while most of us know this on some level, it’s easy to let our lives get so filled with responsibilities and obligations that we forget to take care of ourselves. Luckily, there are lots of ways to inject some love into your life – you just need to open yourself up to them!
Why Cuddling Feels So Good
Cuddling is not just nice; it’s also good for your health. In addition to giving you a source of non-sexual intimacy, cuddling has benefits that extend beyond the physical. It can improve your mental health, lower your stress levels and help you sleep better at night. Cuddling is also a great way to build trust and reduce anxiety in a partner.
What Touch Conveys - The Language of Touch
Touch is a key way that we express ourselves, build connections with others, and develop trust and intimacy. Whether you are new to the world of dating or just looking for some fresh ideas on how to use touch in your next interaction, learning about the different types of touch can go a long way.
Why I Fell In Love With Cuddling: Why You Should Too
Cuddling is not a new trend but something that has existed since the beginning of time. From birds to bears and bees, animals show affection by touching, grooming, and cuddling. Cuddling makes us feel safe, secure and loved. It is one of the most intimate ways to express love and affection; it shows you care about someone enough to get close to them and also makes you feel cared for in return. Cuddling also requires trust and vulnerability; you have to be willing to let someone see you at your weakest moment.
What Happens to Your Brain When You Cuddle?
Cuddling is one of the most intimate and loving gestures that people can express to each other. When you cuddle with someone, it feels like your heart will burst from all the love you have for them. There is also science behind why we feel these things when we cuddle. Cuddling is a very beneficial thing to do as an individual, as well as with a partner. The benefits of cuddling don’t just surface when you’re sleeping next to someone; they are proven to work even if you only spend 20 minutes together once or twice a week!
How to Have a More Positive Day: My Simple Morning Routine
After a very long and stressful period at work, I was feeling drained and exhausted. The stress of work had begun to creep into the rest of my life and had taken its toll on me. It wasn’t until one day that I realized I needed to take action or things were going to spiral out of control. And so began my journey towards ensuring I have a more positive day every day. My morning routine has been the key to unlocking some peace in my life — it’s what remains constant when everything else feels like it is falling apart around me.
The Importance of Touch in Mental Wellbeing
Mental wellbeing is a term used to describe how someone thinks and feels about their life. It encompasses our ability to cope with stress, manage our emotions, and make sense of the world. For many people it’s harder to achieve this balance in today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world. But adopting healthy habits can also help us manage these pressures more effectively. The benefits of touch are undeniable whether it be from someone we love, a professional, or ourselves.
Cuddle Therapy: Why It's the Newest Trend in Mental Health Care
Mental health is at the forefront of society today. People are discussing their struggles more than ever before and that’s a good thing. Now, more than ever, people need accessible resources to help them manage their stress and anxiety. Cuddle Therapy is just one example of the many creative solutions popping up to meet this need. It’s an emerging field combining elements of mental health care and trust-building activities like cuddling or hugging. The practice also goes by ‘therapy huddles’ or ‘human connection therapy’.